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Summary - Don aboriginal grape varieties are the basis of a quality winemaking

V. A. Ganich, L. G. Naumova, N. V. Matveeva
All-Russian Research Ya.I. Potapenko Institute for Viticulture and Winemaking - Branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Centre», Novocherkassk


Summary. The aim of the research was to identify genotypes with high technological properties among the native Don grape varieties for high-quality winemaking, because not all these varieties are equivalent in quality. The study was performed using conventional viticultural methods in 2010-2015 on the Don ampelographic collection of Ya.I. Potapenko Institute (Novocherkassk). The results of the study of 12 grape varieties and two control varieties are presented: agrobiological characteristics, yield, crop conditions, tasting evaluation and characteristics of wines. The group of white grape varieties with high yields are Mohrovatchik (14.8 t/ha), Kumshatskiy Beliy (13.1 t/ha), Belobulaniy (12.7 t/ha) and Durman (10.4 t/ha). These varieties far exceed the control variety Riesling Reinskiy (3.9 t/ha). Among the red wine varieties Sipun Cherniy (8.5 t/ha) and Varushkin (8.3 t /ha) have the highest yield. But it is lower than the control variety - Cabernet Sauvignon (8.7 t/ha). The sugar content of a berry juice of white varieties was from 23.7 (Champanchik Tsimlyansky) to 20 g/100 cm3 (Riesling Reinskiy). Among the colored varieties, the highest sugar content was observed in varieties Krasnostop Zolotovskiy (24.2 g/100 cm3), Cimladar (21.9 g/100 cm3) and Varushkin (21.7 g/100 cm3). Taking into account a set of positive characteristics (yield, sugar accumulation, high quality wine), the varieties Kumshatskiy Beliy (wine tasting score 8.9 points), Mahrovatchik (tasting evaluation of wine is 8.8 points), Sipun Cherniy (wine tasting score 8.7 points) were selected as promising for high- quality winemaking.
Keywords: ampelographic collection, grapes, aboriginal Don varieties, wine, tasting evaluation of wines, yield.